“You’re a parasite!”

A frequently used example for mutualism is the aphid/ant pairing, whereby ants protect aphids, which in turn are “milked” for their sweet… Juice? Milk? Ooze? (Excrement, actually.) Another symbiotic relationship are leafcutter ants ‘farming’ a fungus that feeds off their leaves, which are toxic to the ants when ‘raw.’

By definition mutualism/symbiosis benefit both parties. Parasitism is when one species benefits to the detriment of another. We think mosquitoes, lamprey, ticks, bed bugs. Vampires. But below is an example of parasitism.
We humans have not been “apex predators” since we came out of the cave and picked up a stick to poke at the ground. We’re parasites. We’re the biggest parasites there are. In agriculture, we’ve created and farmed monocultures, decimating rain forests and the habitats of many. Even the corn we grow outgrows it’s natural, and variegated, cousins. We not only milk cows (and eat beef), but we breed our animals until they’re not capable of functioning outside of our care.

In fact, technically, we’re cannibalistic parasites, as we take “unfair” advantage of fellow humans through economic, social, religious, and even gender inequalities.

The folks most likely to use the title phrase of this blog are, in fact, also most likely to be one of the more pernicious parasites, seeking the advantage for themselves without (best case) a care for the detriment of other, or, in fact (worse case) at their expense.

Using a Language as an Evil Shade

An article’s title in the NYT’s Science section proclaims: “[the] Debut of Atlas May Foreshadow Age of ‘Robo Sapiens’.”

It’s one thing for the head of a company trying to create truck-loading robots to say  that “…A new species, Robo sapiens, are emerging.” He’s not supposed to be a biologist (and any decent one would regurgitate into her or his mouth at the very thought).


I do more than write, but don’t have my other site up and ready to sell ceramic artwork. Note to self: create the marketing and sales collateral before telling people about your wares.

Fractal Lists of Things to Do

I’m drowning under the increasing lists of things to do. To-do items are fractal: each produces subordinate or successor objects, each demanding its time slot, its focus, its ramp-up and ramp-down resources and time.

Apparently it’s good for the writing soul, since I’ve started writing poetry after more than an eight-month hiatus. (Okay, there’s no causal link, but I’m trying to make lemonade here.)

More later — too many people hovering overhead.

Shlomi Down

Took some time off Friday to have strangers plumb my innards. Bottom line: I’ve got nice innards. (I could have told ’em that.) I also decided to heed my body: even after an only 15 minute procedure early Friday morning, my body is still clamoring for attention. Slept more since then than I did the entire week before. Okay, maybe I needed more sleep, but 13 hours at a stretch? What a luxury! What a slothful rack of time!

I’m in the metaphorical saddle again, juggling the usual too many things to do, aiming to do a few. Only a few: otherwise I thrash around getting none done.

Today: a few little web site things…

Facebook Down

As of this writing Facebook is unreachable from my computer. Everything else (including this, obviously) is present and accounted for.

It must take a lot to clobber Facebook, even in a limited geographic area. I depend on it to connect with other authors and poets — it’s a weird, early bump in my normal routine.

Okay, okay, I just want to see what “Being Liberal” is on about this morning. 🙂


Here are those Top 10 Facebook Pages details:

insights on top facebook  pages

How did I calculate?

I had collected the ratios between likes and comments
from all these 10 pages’ recent week updates and tested the
average percentage (by converting ratios to
percentage) of active users in each of these top 10 profiles. You know
what? The average percentage of Active users in all
these world top 10 profiles is less than 20%
(Twenty- percent)